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Tracking how helps to conversions
Explain how to use "Advertiser >  Tracker" (especially "conversion type", "tracker type", "data type")
(04-15-2019, 12:02 PM)David Ryder Wrote: Explain how to use "Advertiser >  Tracker" (especially "conversion type", "tracker type", "data type")

Trackers can create for advertiser and there is three type such as Signup,Lead and Sale.There is no type as Tracker type and data type.
If you like to track the conversions based on transaction_id without cookie.Then this module would be useful.

So we recommend buying this plug-in to achieve these features.

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Could you briefly introduce these three types (Signup, Lead, and Sale)? In addition, please refer to "tracker type" and "data type"
(04-16-2019, 07:24 AM)David Ryder Wrote: Could you briefly introduce these three types (Signup, Lead, and Sale)? In addition, please refer to "tracker type" and "data type"

Conversion Type

Sign Up - Place the conversion tracker code when user successfully signup with  website

Lead - Place the conversion code when user shows the interested in product and make click on that product to view the product details

Sale - Place the conversion tracker code when user successfully the purchase the product in your website

Tracker type used to send the some variable to advertiser while conversion tracking time .

Datatype If your Macro value will be string then define as String or define as Number or define as Date

Create variable name as transaction_id and this variable name appended with tracker code of revive adserver.Advertiser should replace this %25%25TRANSACTION_ID_VALUE%25%25 then it will be tracked by revive adserver.

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